Friday, June 27, 2014

           Dine In At Tammy's Kitchen

    Cooking is my passion, I started at a young age watching my parents and grand parents cook all of those delicious meals. I cook daily for my family as well as holidays and all special occasions.  Below you will find some of my delicious dishes that I have prepared.

Boneless Chicken breast cooked in a skillet with Butter and many seasonings, served with a side salad and bacon ranch dressing.


Homemade beef stew cooked with scoured beef, onion, potato's, carrots, mushrooms, celery smothered in a homemade gravy mad with red wine and baked in the oven for for 1 hour...



Makes a nice snack for the kids.

Very easy to make and inexpensive

Hot dogs and spaghetti noodles

7 layer lasagna made with 3 cheeses ground beef and peperoni served with a side salad and a dinner roll.

 Cajun bacon cream soup cooked with a Cajun seasoned Bacon with a heavy cream, butter and potato's. served with a chilled glass of wine.

All dishes Made my Tammy herself

I would love to see some dishes you have made:
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